goodbye 2013… hello 2014!




2013, you were one amazing year… and honestly I am sad to see you go. After Andrew and I tied the knot this past summer, we were left asking ourselves, what’s next?

Usually this is when a married couple buys a house and starts popping out babies–thats according to hollywood and the sitcoms on TV. While we do want kids some day, that day is still 3 to 4 years away (if all goes according to plan). And home ownership? Are you kidding? Not while we live in expensive Vancouver. So, what now?

To others, our lives will seem to stay the same. But I think 2014 will be a year of change and transition for both of us. I believe there will highs and lows this year that will test us as a married couple but in the end they will make us stronger. Here’s what I am looking forward to this year:

One, new challenges. My role at work is changing (for the better) and I am learning new skills and new processes daily. It’s always hard start back at square one (I feel like the new kid at school again), I know it will be worth it!

Two, new routines. I have always been an athlete. Running is my preferred form of exercise  but this year I want to try new workouts. Enter the spin class. Thanks to my friend Maryam I am getting out of my comfort zone and going to start attending spin classes at Cadence Cycling Studio to get my legs in shape for my 4th half-marathon in May.

Three, a new space. We’re apartment hunting… for real this time. I’ve fallen out of love with our 2 bedroom basement suite. It’s a steal of a deal as far as the Vancouver rental market goes and our landlords are sooo nice but I am ready for more sunlight and an apartment near the ocean. We live in a coastal city and I want to reap its rewards. So we’ll be looking for a one bedroom place in Kitsilano if anyone knows of a vacancy let us know!

Four, a new outlook on the everyday life. I want to live better with less. I still get to the end of every month with very little left in my bank account. Where does the money go? Great question! I think I’ve figured it out: stuff. I buy too much stuff. I come home with a treat every paycheck whether it be a candle or a new top or scarf. I want to scale back and challenge myself to put a halt on all unnecessary shopping until my birthday in May. I know what you’re thinking, that’s a looong time! But in the grand scheme of things its nothing. And honestly I’ve got a closet full of clothes to keep me company until that time rolls around. Plus it will make my birthday present to myself that much sweeter.

Five, a new blogging perspective. I want to keep documenting our lives as newlyweds and really zone in on the everyday stuff. I want this blog to serve as a space of daily appreciation and inspiration for me and readers. I also want to look for opportunities this year to write for other blogs and websites.

So here’s to 2014! The learning curve will be steep and the challenges will be tough but personal growth never came from more of the same. Change is good… so let’s do this!


15 thoughts on “goodbye 2013… hello 2014!

  1. “a space of daily appreciation” — that’s my whole reason for blogging. isn’t it wonderful to look back over the posts and reflect on everything that was happening at the time? also.. your goals to live near the ocean and live with less sound wonderfully happy & inspiring. cheers to a new year 🙂

  2. Love the new theme, love the ideas, love the pictures (lol, especially the last one). Love everything here.
    May is not so long to wait for new clothes either, a couple of months, and just think, you’ll be so busy in the meantime you won’t even notice the time flying past.
    Tell me something. What are you guys doing in October? I’m planning my trip to the states and want to visit Seattle, which, as it happens, is just across the border from you. Part of my plan was to take a day trip and check out your Vancouver (my friends live in the Washington Vancouver). Could we meet for a coffee maybe. If your not interested I’m cool with that. I can only ask.
    Have a great 2014 and may all your wishes come to fruition 🙂

  3. I just have to say Ash, I love reading your blog. You express thoughts and ideas so well, and it feels like you read my mind! Half the time I’m reading going, yes, yes, yes! You are very in-tune with life to say the least. Reading this latest entry had me agreeing with every one of your goals for 2014- thank you for putting it out there! Can’t wait to see what’s next. I logged into my WordPress account to comment… Maybe one step closer to writing my own blog entry;) Happy New Year to you and Andrew!

    • DO IT! and thank you so much for the kind words 🙂 You make me feel like blogging more.. glad to know someone is reading and relating and getting inspired. xo

  4. Stumbled onto your blog and boy can I relate! We also got married last summer and are renters in Vancouver. So I can definitely say, “I hear ya”, on the not buying a house anytime soon. It’s so outrageously priced here and I really wish there was some sign that it might one day change. I don’t want to be a renter forever…Good luck in the apartment hunt, I hope you find what you’re looking for!

    • Thanks for reading. I always love hearing from other married bloggers who write about lifestyle stuff in Vancouver! Good to know we’re not the only couple who can’t afford to buy here

  5. i’m with ya sista!!! i think i feel the same on all of these resolutions. let me know how spin goes, i might want to try!! oh, and i love the balloons 😉

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