have you seen the latest from Miz Mooz?

Holly (blogger and creator of Helloo Sailor) and I were pleased to attend the Miz Mooz 2013 Spring Collection and The Style Common Party at the Miz Mooz boutique located on West 4th. Yes, Vancouverites, despite the never ending construction along west 4th, the store is still open! And man oh man is it shoe heaven?!

Bright colors and pastels are in! And I love them all…

IMG_3832IMG_3831IMG_3847IMG_3835IMG_3852IMG_3857Holly, Jess (Brand Manager or Miz Mooz) and I– apparently we all got the memo to color coordinate our outfits!

(ladies of The Style Common left to right: Jen, Jennifer, Alexandra, and Alicia)

It was a delight to meet the ladies of the local style blogger power group called The Style Common in person (if you haven’t checked them out, you need to asap) and catch up with an old friend Jess, who is now the brand manager for Miz Mooz (way to go Jess!)

As Holly and I swooned over shoes, the girls entertained with a cute candy bar and door prizes to everyones delight. It was a fun evening that left me lusting for shoes!

Might have to go back to buy some… I’ve been looking lately for some cute flats to wear on my wedding day or  off-beat wedding shoes, as Joanna from the blog A Cup Of Jo calls them. Like cute yellow flats or funky sandals…

What shoes are you most excited about buying this spring?